Patiente Lounge offers an innovative mix of sounds from their latest release: BEDGA.

The progressive rock band started 2021 in full throttle and already has a concert scheduled for April.

Australia is the country where every Brazilian rocker would like to be at the moment. The shows are back and the band Patiente Lounge has already confirmed their presence at the “Home Brewed Festival”, on April 23rd.

Since 2019 the band has taken its high energy, fun stage presence and natural charm to the audience. With the pause in events due to the pandemic, Patiente Lounge took the time to create his new single and start the year at full power.

The fourth single

BEDGA is the new single from Patiente Lounge, released in February 2021. This work is full of musical influences from death metal, jazz and even modern pop, without leaving aside the roots of progressive and classic rock.

The result is an exceptional sound with a captivating groove that mixes with the hoarse voice of vocalist Zach and completely surrounds you for 9 minutes. When I first heard BEDGA I thought “Holly shit what a good song!”, Do you know that internal euphoria when listening to great new misic? I was really surprised.

The new single from Patiente Lounge tells an important story of how to fight against doubt. “Full of metaphors and internal anguish, BEGDA calls the inner voice of the resistance that prevents us from achieving what we are really capable of”, declares the band.

Listen now to the latest release from Patiente Lounge:

One of the characteristics of Patiente Lounge is its ability to recreate in the studio what they are capable of doing on stage. “Bands like TOOL still maintain that crazy and fluctuating energy, which we believe makes things a lot more interesting. That’s what we’re always looking for. ” – Matt says.

Since I met Patiente Lounge I’m totatlly crazy to see them live. Who knows, they might come to Brazil, since Matt told me that he was in Florianópolis and loved it!

“BEDGA creates an incredible atmosphere and makes a statement from the beginning that this will not be just any other rock show, we are here to push our own limits and, hopefully, those of the public,” said Patient Lounge.

With a statement like this, I can only end this post with the iconic phrase of all brazilians: “Please come to Brazil” ps: when the pandemic is over.

If you liked the sound of Patiente Lounge, follow their work on social media: instagram | facebook | youtube.

BEDGA is on the official playlist of Diário de Shows on Spotify! #DiáriodeShowsINDICA.

This coverage was created in collaboration with MUSOSOUP as part of the #SustainableCurator movement.